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  雅思口语必备Part 3答题技巧  
  在雅思口语Part 3中,考生需要对话题展开更深入的讨论和阐述观点。以下是一些常用的句型和例子,可以帮助考生更好地表达自己的观点。
  According to(research/studies),...
  例如:According to research,social media can have negative effects on mental health.
  (Statistics/Figures)show that...
  例如:Statistics show that the number of people who smoke has decreased in recent years.
  It is widely known that...
  例如:It is widely known that exercise is good for physical and mental health.
  One question that comes to mind is...
  例如:One question that comes to mind is whether or not artificial intelligence will replace human workers.
  Another aspect to consider is...
  例如:Another aspect to consider is the impact of globalization on culture and tradition.
  On the other hand,some argue that...
  例如:On the other hand,some argue that social media has a positive influence on society.
  One possible solution would be to...
  例如:One possible solution would be to increase funding for public transportation to reduce traffic congestion.
  To address this issue,we could...
  例如:To address this issue,we could educate people on the importance of recycling and reducing waste.
  A practical suggestion would be to...
  例如:A practical suggestion would be to create more job opportunities for young people in rural areas.
  Compared to/Contrasted with,...
  例如:Compared to traditional classroom learning,online learning offers greater flexibility and convenience.
  例如:Similarly,both reading and watching movies can be enjoyable and educational.Differently,reading allows for greater imagination and creativity than watching movies.
  In contrast,...
  例如:In contrast,while some people prefer living in big cities,others prefer the peace and quiet of rural areas.
  It's possible that...
  例如:It's possible that advancements in technology will lead to new and exciting career opportunities.
  例如:If we invest in renewable energy,then we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change.
  Suppose that...
  例如:Suppose that you won the lottery,what would you do with the money?
  One advantage of/One drawback of,...
  例如:One advantage of studying abroad is the opportunity to immerse oneself in a new culture.One drawback of studying abroad is the high cost of living.
  On the one hand/On the other hand,...
  例如:On the one hand,social media allows people to connect and share information.On the other hand,it can be a source of misinformation and cyberbullying.
  While...has its benefits,it also has its limitations.
  例如:While technology has its benefits,such as increased efficiency and productivity,it also has its limitations,such as the potential for job displacement.








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