来源:武汉新东方A_LEVEL培训学校 时间:2018-11-16
5 Life Lessons from 96-Year-Old Yogi Tao Porchon-Lynch
来自96岁高龄瑜伽习练者Tao Porchon-Lynch的五则生命启示
We are straight up inspired by this woman. Tao Porchon-Lynch is the kind of person we wish was our cool auntie Tao who tells inspiring stories of the days she marched with Gandhi, or what it was like in Hollywood in the 50s, or how she just won a ballroom dancing competition at the ripe young age of 89 in between showing us how to balance ever so gracefully in peacock pose.
我们全然地被这位女士鼓舞了。 Tao Porchon-Lynch是那种我们都会希望是自己的亲阿姨的出奇女性,她能向我们讲诉她的种种鼓舞人心的人生故事,如当年她与甘地共同为正义游行,或是五十年代里的好莱坞,或是她如何在89岁之际获得宴会舞蹈比赛高奖项,同时也在向我们展示如何十分优雅的平衡于孔雀式中。
Currently at 96 years of age, with decades of practicing and teaching yoga under belt, Porchon-Lynch shows no signs of slowing her routine, and in fact is actually getting ready to release her very own memoir in March. We can’t wait. Until then, here are just a few gems of wisdom from the grand dame of yoga, via
5 Life Lessons from Tao Porchon-Lynch:
来自Tao Porchon-Lynch女士的5条生命启示:
1. Start the day right: “When I get up in the morning, I don’t think about all the things that are going to happen, whether it’s good or bad. I say to myself, ‘This is going to be the best day of my life.’ ”
1. 正面的开始每:“当我早晨醒来时,我不思考各种即将发生的事情是好事还是坏事。我告诉自己:‘今天是我生命美好的。’”
2. Age is just a number: “I don’t believe in age. When people ask me about age, I tell them to look at all the trees around them. They’re hundreds of years old. They may look as if they’re dying at the moment, but they’re not; they’re recycling themselves. And in a couple of months, they’re going to be reborn again.”
2. 年龄只是一个数字:“我不相信年龄。当人们问我我的年龄,我告诉他们看看周围的树。树的年龄是几百岁。看起来或许它们像是走向死亡,而实际上它们不是;它们正在循环着自己的生命。在未来的几个月,他们又将重生。”
3. Dance like nobody’s watching: “Dancing makes you well again. You know, I fell and I’ve slipped. I’ve had everything, but I don’t let it take the better of me.”
3. 像没有人在看着你一样起舞:“跳舞让你重新成为更好的自己。你要知道,我曾摔跤,跌倒。我曾经历一切,但我不允予它取代更好的自己。”
4. Accentuate the positive: “Whatever you put in your mind materializes. So if you put negative thoughts, you draw toward you negative things. So be positive. Just look for good.”
4. 加强正面的信念:“任何你植入你的大脑里的念头皆会物质化。所以假若你植入负面信念,你则将自己牵引到负面的事情里。因此保持积极。只需寻找美好的一面。”
5. Don’t procrastinate: “There’s nothing you can’t do, and you can just get up and enjoy life and see how wonderful it is. There’s so much to do, so little time to do it.”
5. 不要拖延:“不存在你不能做的事情,你可以起身,享受生活并看到生命的美好。有如此多的事情等待我们去创造,而已剩下很少的时间去做了。”