

2022沈阳学为贵雅思培训暑期营怎么样-学为贵暑期雅思涵盖雅思4.5- 7分各分数段,开设雅思住宿班集训营有1个月到3个月不等住宿班,同时在线直播课程,走读面授班,满足不同的学习需求,学为贵雅思安静舒适的教学环境,帮您助力梦想。学为贵雅思作为白金级合作伙伴,有在线网课、封闭学院、1对1定制,多班型可选,集中式封闭教学,提分效果更显著;韧性服务,家长、学校、老师沟通零距离。校园式学习环境,0元提供住宿,正课+早晚自习统一安排管理,老师面对面答疑解问。

   雅思口语Part 2:不喜欢“长生不老”的原因,我找到了!

 较近,有同学问了我这样一道题“Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend”。跟朋友在一起总是轻松愉快的,经常会聊一些天马行空的话题。有一次,我跟我的朋友之间就发生了一次非常有趣的对话,我跟朋友聊到了一个话题:永生。我和朋友们各自发表了对“永生”的看法,较后都认为,这不是一个好主意,这是为什么呢?我们一起来聊聊吧!


  本期Part 2 话题

  Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend

  You should say:

  Who you spoke with

  Where you were

  What the conversation was about

  And explain why you think it was interesting



  I remember this time I was having coffee with some friends in a coffee shop and we discussed immortality. So basically the conversation is about whether living forever is a good idea or not.

  When it comes to immortality, I think most people believe it is a good idea but don’t know why and can’t exactly define it. I mean, does immortality mean living for a long time or does it mean never age? I think it is two completely different questions.

  So my friend said if he can live forever, but still getting old, but just age very slowly. For example, living to be 400 years old but still be old, if that is the case, he doesn’t want that because he still has to work, pay the bills and that is pure suffering. I mean, to think about it, he is right.

  Now, most people start working at the age of 25 and can’t retired till 65. That is 40 years of working paying taxes and dealing with all the stress. Imagine if you could live to be 400 years old, then you had to work for 160 years, who would want that?

  So I think most people think immortality as in a way to become a god or some sort of deity that you no longer need to deal with money, health, paying the bills, which is why most people love the idea of immortality but if you actually think about it, life extension isn’t a great idea because it doesn’t mean a happy life and it doesn’t mean it is a healthy life.

  Words & expressions in this episode

  1. immortality n. 永生;不朽;不朽的声名

  2. suffering n. 痛苦;受苦

  3. deity n. 神;女神;上帝

学为贵暑假雅思封闭班 ,雅思考试白金级合作伙伴 4.5-7分多阶段课程可选 集教学,饮食,住宿为一体 D 语料库作者-王陆亲临授课专为雅思考生提供的备考环境 排除外界干扰、全身投入冲刺雅思7+雅思4.5- -7分封闭校区精选课程 1- -3个月学习周期准备留学更方便雅思一王陆带队入驻封闭校, 集北京、广州两地主讲雅思备考没头绪?申请0元学习规划 经验丰富规划师为你量身定制学习方案9年雅思学术沉淀值得信赖 连续六年荣获雅思考试奖项华南、华北两所雅思封闭学校 北有老牛湾南有月亮湾

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