

   2022石家庄学为贵雅思暑期集训营怎么样-学为贵暑期雅思涵盖雅思4.5- 7分各分数段,开设雅思住宿班集训营有1个月到3个月不等住宿班,同时在线直播课程,走读面授班,满足不同的学习需求,学为贵雅思安静舒适的教学环境,帮您助力梦想。学为贵雅思作为白金级合作伙伴,有在线网课、封闭学院、1对1定制,多班型可选,集中式封闭教学,提分效果更显著;韧性服务,家长、学校、老师沟通零距离。校园式学习环境,0元提供住宿,正课+早晚自习统一安排管理,老师面对面答疑解问。

5月12日雅思大作文示范写作 | 电子版 VS 实体





Some people believe using modern technology (digital photographs, blogs) is the best way to record and remember important personal events. Others think the traditional method (making photo albums, writing diaries) is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



With technologies progressing unprecedentedly, some prefer to adopt modern ways to capture the critical moments, while others remain utilising the traditional methods. Personally, the key to this debate lies in how people define the significance of those records.



Ø unprecedentedly adv. 地

Ø capture vt. 〔用文字或图片〕记录下,描述,捕捉

Body 1

The digital version does have its edges especially for those users who desire to share memories with others. This is mainly because modern technology has brought much convenience to satisfy their demands. Taking full advantage of the colossal storage capacity and the fast travelling speed on the Internet, netizens can not only recall their memories whenever they want but also share their digital albums and blogs on social media, which facilitates them to win a large number of ‘hearts’ and followers and thus enhance their sense of self-esteem. While some may be concerned about the risks of privacy leakages, such problems can be avoided via setting access codes. In contrast, traditional ways, in terms of sharing, are largely restrained by the geographic distance.


电子版的好处:对于有分享欲的人而言,电子版的便于存储与分享,更能满足他们的需求 [对比论证] 纸质版相对不便利

Ø colossal adj. 巨大的

Ø capacity n. 容量,容积;容纳能力

Ø facilitate vt. 促进;使便利

Ø self-esteem n. 自尊心

Ø leakage n. 泄露

Ø access n.[U] 进入权;使用权;接触的机会

Body 2

However, for those who do not base their expectation on the click-through rate, traditional methods like making photo albums and writing diaries lock up more significance. To illustrate, since those items are made in person, they are equipped with personal characteristics. Either the layout of photos or the style of writing gives life to the records, which can further evoke strong memories of the moments captured. The more photos and paper have yellowed with ages, the more precious the memories have been. It is worth memorising that one, in his or her late years, flicks through the albums and tells the beloved ones about the stories recorded. However, the digital version only has the date shown on the screen to tell how many years have passed


传统方式的好处:具有个人特色,有触感,激发制作过程的回忆 [对比论证] 电子版看不到时间的流逝,难体会回忆的珍贵

Ø click-through rate n. 点击率

Ø in person adv. 亲自

Ø evoke vt. 引起,唤起〔强烈的感情或回忆〕

Ø capture vt. 捕捉

Ø yellow vi./vt. (使)变黄,(使)发黄

Ø flick through vi. 地浏览〔书、杂志、照片等〕


In a nutshell, both methods have their pros and cons, and the answer of the discussion largely depends on personal interests. 

学为贵暑假雅思封闭班 ,雅思考试白金级合作伙伴 4.5-7分多阶段课程可选 集教学,饮食,住宿为一体 D 语料库作者-王陆亲临授课专为雅思考生提供的备考环境 排除外界干扰、全身投入冲刺雅思7+雅思4.5- -7分封闭校区精选课程 1- -3个月学习周期准备留学更方便雅思一王陆带队入驻封闭校, 集北京、广州两地主讲雅思备考没头绪?申请0元学习规划 经验丰富规划师为你量身定制学习方案9年雅思学术沉淀值得信赖 连续六年荣获雅思考试奖项华南、华北两所雅思封闭学校 北有老牛湾南有月亮湾

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