



  A piece of clothing you like
  Describe a piece of clothing you like
  You should say:
  What it is?
  How often you wear it?
  Where you buy it?
  And explain why you like it?
  雅思口语范文:A piece of clothing you like
  As a young college student,what I favour is sport wear an jeans but in my clothes what I like is a suit my father bought for me for my high school graduation ceremony.My father bought in a local store in my hometown.Indeed,because it is too formal,I seldom wear it and only wear it on some formal occasions like my brother’s wedding ceremony or my friend’s birthday party.Despite this,I like it because whenever I see it or wear it I will think of my graduation day in my high school.On that day both of my parents came.They were proud of me for my excellent performance in high school and my admission to the university.I still remembered on that day my parents hugged me saying,”Son,we are proud of you”For me,the suit stands for my parents’love for me and their pride because of me.And I will do better and will never let them down.


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