



  Q10:Please talk about the theory of Eugene Nida
  A10:Eugene A.Nida has been acclaimed as a pioneer of the linguistic approach to translation studies.
  Nida pointed out that the equivalence of translation has two basic types in 1964,which is dynamic equivalence and formal equivalence.Nida also discusses the differences between them.On the one hand,dynamic equivalence is face to readers.The relationship between accepted language readers and information is the same as the relationship between the original language readers and information.A dynamic equivalent translation requires complete expression;we can see that the expression of the original text is very important,therefore,the readers are not required to understand the cultural patterns of the source language to understand the information.Formal equivalence is a kind of text-oriented,so the translator tries to re-create the same text in translation,as the original form and content of significance.Readers had better have a good and clear understanding of the original conveying customs,way of thinking,and expression.In other words,the equivalent translation is a translation of a text,but to be meaningful,to make the text fully understood,it usually requires a footnote.These are two basic styles of equivalence translation of Nida.

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