



Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people, while others think the purpose of museums should be to educate, not entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


Hello 各位老铁,

How’s everything going?

说来各位可能不太相信, 其实用好 pay attention to , focus on, due to, there is , because 等词, 写够字数, 把意思说对,T2 大概率就有 6 分了。6 分我认为不是太难的事, 大多数上完我课的高中学生都拿到了这个分数。不过要拿到 6.5 分以上,我认为对大多数地球人来说, 都是有一定难度的。很多英语作为母语的人士在参加雅思考试后, 也表示了同样的沮丧, 1个小时内, 根本发挥不了真实的水平。就连一些、大牛、教授在没准备的情况下, 也被降维打击成了6.5 分。所以, 写作要拿到6.5 分或以上, 还是需要一定准备和练习的。

英语作为母语的人士, 如果不熟悉论文论证手法, 或者根本没有相关论据,可能就很难做到 7 分Task response 所要求的“presents, extends and supports main ideas” , 又或者没有准备相关话题词, 就有比较大的几率拿到 6.5 .    

 So… 咱们今天就来说下不同的题目, “博物馆” 类, 其实也算是”教育类“ 的一个分支。同学们在写这道题时, 要清楚博物馆的教育功能, 并且要记住相关例子和表达。



第二段:博物馆 – 变得有趣后的好处及其例子


第四段:结论 – 具体问题具体分析


People often have different opinions on the function of museums. From my perspective, some museums can be entertaining, while it is also true that some other museums can only be educational.

It is a fact that without entertaining, most people would refuse to pay. In many cases, being entertaining is not contradictory with being educational.  Many museums begin to use different methods to attract their customers in this new millennium. For example, Louvre palace is planning to prepare more VR (virtual reality) devices, so that tourists can actually feel the elapse of time when they are watching a certain piece of artwork. Moreover, more entertaining means more business. It is not a surprise to see that many museums are being closed for the lack of fund, and some of them begin to exhibit different interesting objects that children would like to see,  so that their parents can have more reasons to stop by. Without any income, most museums cannot survive.  

Nevertheless, some museums are not supposed to be entertaining, such as Auschwitz Museum, the Nanjing Massacre Museum, the Pompeii Museum and so on, which memorize people who died in a certain piece of history. They are meant to be solemn, while being entertaining will be disrespectful and inappropriate. It is most museum owners’ original wish to preserve some part of the history.  As professor Postman points out that many people have already used laughter to replace their ability to think, being entertaining on everything is the end for most products in the commercial society. However, I strongly insist that some part of the society cannot be integrated into the business world, because entertainment is incompatible with serious topics, such as death, massacre or slavery. I believe it is the government’s responsibility to provide financial support to keep those museums running and staying away from entertainment.

To conclude, it is reasonable to assume that most museums need to entertain customers, as long as their themes are not about serious topics.



from my perspective  (phr.) 在我看来

educational adj. 有教育意义的

entertaining adj. 娱乐性质的

contradictory adj. 矛盾的

attract v. 吸引

Louvre palace n. 卢浮宫

elapse of time  (phr) 时间的流逝

Auschwitz Museum – 奥斯维辛 博物馆

 Nanjing Massacre Museum - 南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆

the Pompeii Museum – 庞培 博物馆

solemn adj. 严肃的

inappropriate adj. 不恰当的

preserve v. 保存





课程名称 适合学员
雅思6.5分尊享VIP6人 目标6.5分
雅思老师特训7分VIP6人班 目标冲刺7分
雅思G类A计划 目标G类考试3-3.5分


课程名称 适合学员
雅思奢华老师7+分班 目标分数7分以上
雅思6分直达中型班 目标分数6分以上
雅思6.5分直达中型班 目标分数6.5分以上

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