

原创 Johnson老师 环球雅思佛山学校 3月


Some people think government should spend more money on teaching science than in other  subjects, in order to make the country develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Once children start school, teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development  than parents do. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others,  however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Hello 各位亲爱的读者老铁,


科学与技术是比较实用的科目 – (Science and Technology are practical subjects)

它们经常能帮助学生就业 -(They can usually help people to find a job)// (Students can have a better chance to get the job, if they have related academic background.)

提高学习(或工作)效率( Such subjects can improve students’ learning /working efficiency).

- 举例(example / evidence/ support your argument) 时见仁见智, 不同人有不同理解或经验, 科技对他们的意义来说就不尽相同。





段:交代背景,总结全文。倾向反对 – science够多了

第二段:More money on science 的好处(简略写一下)

第三段:More money on other subjects 的好处 (其它科目也很缺钱啊?)

第四段:More money on science  的不合理性  ( 中年失业怎么办 ?)



Some people think government should spend more money on teaching science than in other subjects, in order to make the country develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, many people argue that the government needs to allocate more money to science education, while I believe that it has already paid enough to attention to science subjects, and there is no need to provide more financial support for this field.

It cannot be denied that Science and Technology are practical subjects, which usually can help the country develop faster in a measurable way. Such subjects can usually provide more job opportunities for people, which improves the country’s economic statistics directly.  Many modern industries, such as artificial intelligence, big data and genetic research, cannot live without the improvement of science education.

However, I would argue that these subjects can already live on its own, and it will be more feasible for the government to invest on other subjects that need financial support more urgently, such as Education and Philosophy.  As Socrates points out, education is about the improvement of mind.  Spending more money on teaching science can only show students how to use a tool in a more professional way. However, no matter how well a person can work with the tool, if he/she cannot think logically and effectively, this person will possibly remain as a common worker for the rest of their life.  As Xun Zi, a Chinese ancient educator, believes that tools are limitless, while the way to use tools helps people to become outstanding. Allocating more money to Science cannot help people to think more properly.

More frighteningly, if the government encourages people to learn science, it will be possible for more people to choose such subjects, but people usually cannot predict whether the subject will be outdated or not in the future. It is not a surprise to see that some science subjects are no longer needed nowadays, such as fixing Nokia,  fixed lines or some other obsolete equipment. It seems completely legitimate to invest more on science, so that employment rate can be raised a little bit for a short term, but the government usually does not care about people’s unemployment rate after they are 35 years old. It is a more frightening fact that some countries have already spent billions of dollars on the research of chips without any actual rewards, because it is a highly risky and unpredictable field. If the governments continues spending more money on such research, it is foreseeable that they will continue wasting their money, because they do not know how to think logically and effectively. It will not be fruitful to develop science while ignoring the rest.

To conclude, I believe that the potential drawbacks of more investment on science subjects cannot be ignored, while it is more reasonable to invest on other subjects that are already in lack of fund.

New words and expressions

science subjects n.(pl.) 理科 

allocate more money to…  为……提供资金

provide financial support (help) for… 为……提供资金

measurable adj. 可测量的, 可观测的

Science and Technology n. 【专】理科 和 工科

Education n. 【专】教育学

Philosophy n. 【专】哲学

Socrates n. 苏格拉底

Xun Zi n. 荀子 (君子生非异也, 善假于物也。)

professional adj. 专业的

logically adv. 有逻辑地

effectively adv. 有效地

limitless adj. 无限的

outstanding adj. 杰出的

obsolete adj. 过时的 

frightening adj. 令人害怕的





课程名称 适合学员
雅思6.5分尊享VIP6人 目标6.5分
雅思老师特训7分VIP6人班 目标冲刺7分
雅思G类A计划 目标G类考试3-3.5分


课程名称 适合学员
雅思奢华老师7+分班 目标分数7分以上
雅思6分直达中型班 目标分数6分以上
雅思6.5分直达中型班 目标分数6.5分以上

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