


  I want to be an exhibition tour guide.It may sound a little bit unusual,but I have a friend who is dedicated to helping an art gallery curate exhibitions.I can often see her train some exhibition tour guides.The whole process is very interesting.Not only can you learn a lot of new knowledge,but also just immersing in the art museum is enough to make people feel relaxed.I feel that this is not only a part-time job,but also a process of learning and enjoying.
  You see,I'm very interested in exhibitions,and I'd like to improve my English.So,I think being an exhibition commentator in an English-speaking country can combine these two interests very well.I can read books or websites about the contents of the exhibition,take notes,and then translate them into interesting stories for visitors.You know,picking out the key facts and interesting details that I think would most appeal to the audience and talk about them.
  I’m also quite an extrovert and I've always liked jobs that involve a degree of walking around,"teaching"people things,telling amusing jokes and entertaining people.Audiences also like to be entertained a little bit too,so I'd be sure to find some amusing facts about the place and slip these into my talks.
  So,I think it would be the ideal job for my summer vacation in a foreign country and I'd learn a lot as well as earn some money and enjoy entertaining the groups that I am responsible for.I think I could find such a job by looking online,or maybe calling the various art galleries in the city where I'd like to find work.It would depend on where I could study overseas---first I'd get a place in a university,like London,for example,then apply for jobs.
  1.be dedicated to doing专心致志于,从事于
  2.immerse in(使)深陷于,沉浸在
  3.appeal to有吸引力,有感染力,引起兴趣


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