




来源:上海朗阁雅思培训 时间:2014-03-06



  Q1: What if an individual outside of the UK applies for a UK visa using test scores from a test taken outside of the UK?

  A: For individuals applying for a visa and testing outside the UK there is no change. The UK Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests may continue to be used when applying for a visa and the application will be reviewed by UK immigration officials as before.

  Q2: What if an individual inside of the UK applies for a UK visa using test scores from a test taken inside of the UK?

  A: Visa applications that originate in the UK and contain TOEIC or TOEFL test scores will be put on hold.

  Q3: What if an individual inside of the UK applies for a UK visa using test scores from a test taken outside of the UK?

  A: Visa applications that originate in the UK and contain TOEIC or TOEFL test scores will be put on hold.

  Q4: What if an individual outside of the UK applies for a UK visa using test scores from a test taken within the UK?

  A: Visa applications containing TOEIC or TOEFL test scores from the UK will be put on hold.

  Q5: What will you do to the test centers involved?

  A: We will conduct our own investigation and work with the UK Home Office to take immediate and decisive action to shut down any center that is not meeting our security requirements.

  Q6: Can you confirm to me what ETS’ current situation is in relation to the Home Office’s SELT list?

  A: The TOEIC and TOEFL tests continue to be recognized for visa applications where the testing and visa applications were undertaken outside the UK. Individuals testing and applying from within the UK for a visa may not currently use the TOEFL or TOEIC tests for their applications.






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