

  在进行分析性时,需要我们记住一个字“精”。“精”首先指的是准确,一篇文章可以写的方面非常多,但是不要妄想能够面面俱到,应该选择令你影响深刻的几个切入点进行展开。除此之外“精”还指精细,分析性写作的目的不只是“概括”文章内容而更侧重于探讨作者写作的方式和意图以及其同文章主旨目的的相关性。同学们可以采用“贴标签法”即在文中的空白处标注Quotation、Fact、Allusion、Appeal to emotions等常见论证元素,帮助同学们识别、整理和归类,但更为重要的作用是在于提醒同学们在写作时作为素材用上,并阐述这些手法在文中所起的作用。

  1)After the author’s presentation of his statistics and facts,he raises more concern about….
  2)It would be more“genuine”and better informing for readers to hear of first hand experiences.The reader of his article begins to wonder how…
  3)The author begins by clearly laying out the raw statistics from a census produced by…to show…In an attempt to point out these(adj.)facts,the author goes on to discuss the context of…
  4)The author uses the truth,backed by reliable sources,to infiltrate the readers’independent mind.His thoroughness in this regard carefully builds his argument against/supporting…,and this is just one of the many ways he spreads his opposition/opinion.
  5)Examples and statistical presentations initially draw interest from readers.The author begins with a census from year…and year…that reveals….
  6)The author’s statistics cited throughout the article reinforce his argument and provide a solid base.
  7)These statistics appeal to the reader’s logic and ensure that they can follow a logical path to support the author.The statistics provide solid evidence that are enhanced by the numbers and cannot be easily argued against.
  8)The truth in the numbers is undeniable,and the author cites his sources,making the statement much more authentic.
  9)The author’s use of logic occurs throughout his article,but is most prevalent in the beginning.
  10)The author employs logic,basic reasoning and evidence presentation in order to raise concern,curiosity,and questions from the reader.
  11)For reasoning,the author purposely uses evidence that is very relative to the common man or woman,especially relative to younger Americans by saying“....”
  12)The author offers a possible reason for why…
  13)The cogent chain of reasoning indicates an understanding of…
  14)The author utilizes logical reasoning to not only expose the paucity of international news feeds,but also convince his audience that it is crucial that news organizations increase the amount of foreign news coverage provided to Americans.
  Rhetorical skills

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