Nowdays some consumers are less influenced by advertising than in the past.What are the reasons?Is it a positive or negative development?
Buyers nowadays seem to be less susceptible to advertising than in the past.Personally,behind such a trend are two predominant factors,and I regard it as advantageous.
Øsusceptible(to sb./sth.)adj.易受影响(或伤害等);敏感;过敏
Overall,the declining susceptibility to advertising can be ascribed to the advancement of technology in communication.To commence,with widened channels to search for products’information,such as an array of online shopping apps and feedback platforms,it is more convenient for consumers nowadays to see the comments from other users who speak from experience,which indicates that the feedback posted on such flatforms are more impartial and thus trustworthy.In contrast,people in the past were more dependent on the ads on printed magazines or TV,the main source of a product’s information.Besides,bombarded with ads almost everywhere,in bus stops,tube stations,elevators,etc.,customers are aesthetically fatigued or even fed up with commercial advertising,especially when it loses creativity and is full of banality.
Øsusceptibility(to sth.)n.[C]易受影响(或伤害等)的特性;敏感性;过敏性
Øcommunication n.<U>通讯
Øimpartial adj.公正的
Øbombard sb.with sth.vt.轰炸;提供过多信息
Øtube n.[C]地铁
Øaesthetically adv.审美上
Øfatigued adj.疲劳的
Øfed up with adj.极其厌恶,受够了
Øbanality n.乏味
Pros and Cons
Those who consider such a trend as worrisome may assert that economic growth might be hindered,as consumers are less reliant on ads,which function as the motivation of consumption by showing people what an ideal life is like.However,they mistakenly view ads rather than the quality of products and services as the core of consumption.As a matter of fact,less swayed by advertising,discerning buyers are able to recognise their genuine demands and thus rationally purchase high quality goods at reasonable prices,while people in the past bought sundry products only to find they were deceived by the exaggerated ads.Meanwhile,to seek for consumers’approval and set a sound business image,corporates will have every reason to promote quality-oriented strategies,optimising the designs,refining the crafts,and bettering the quality of services.
Øhinder vt.阻碍
Øsway vt.使动摇
Ødiscerning adj.有洞察力的
Ødeceive vt.欺骗
Øexaggerate vt.夸张
Øoptimise vt.优化
Ørefine vt.精炼
Øcraft n.[C]工艺
To recapitulate,consumers’declining susceptibility to advertising is more of a blessing than a curse.
Ørecapitulate v.总结
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